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We'll change the way you experience security

We don’t believe security professionals need to be decent network, cloud and datacenter engineers… we believe every one of those engineers needs to be a security professional. And we built a practice around it.

Which approach gives you greater confidence: protecting your network, cloud, endpoints, applications and data with a security specialist, or with a team of senior network, cloud and data specialists with security-first principles baked in?

Voice solutions

Global Edge Technology Services incident response services help you manage and recover from cyberattacks and data breaches. Our quick-response team will provide assistance when you need it most – and prepare for potential attacks in advance.

Content filtering

Many organizations want to keep their employees or customers from accessing questionable or potentially harmful websites. Global Edge Technology Services content filtering solutions can block access to web pages and emails your company finds objectionable.

Security info & event management

Security information and event management (SIEM) services analyze security alerts generated by your hardware and applications. These services provide real-time evaluation of your system’s security status and generate log reports and compliance data required in many industries.

Security awareness training

Security is not just an IT thing. The best intended measures will fail if your employees are not empowered to be your strongest security stewards. Global Edge Technology Services security awareness training educates your team on how to identify, respond to, and limit potential security risk.

Network security

Protect your organization’s data from unauthorized access, deliberate damage, and theft. We’ll help you implement a unified framework enforcing a consistent policy to protect data in motion and data at rest across the entire network perimeter.

Endpoint defense

Step one: secure your network. Step two: secure at the endpoint/device level. Global Edge Technology Services focuses on providing innovated endpoint defense solutions that protect connected devices from external and internal threats, reducing the threats to your entire system.

Here’s the truth security isn’t a silo,
it touches everything.

We are in a time where anything and everything is “online” and IoT has never been more prevalent. With security and ransom breaches at an all-time high, everything is in play when it comes to security. Nobody is safe and no matter how well you have planned and no matter how many tools you deploy you are still at risk.

The human elements of security are no longer enough to protect us against threats. You may or may not have the right tech, manpower, tools, or visibility to make a difference. Without AI-based toolsets you may, unfortunately, become part of the statistics. We need to take the necessary steps to make sure we are truly secure.

Security expertise that serves multiple needs.


Managed Security


Zero Trust




Threat Detection



Conditional access
is real

The distributed workforce has disrupted the traditional corporate-issued device workflow with increasing reliance on BYOD and cloud-native resources. Conditional access is all about authentication and authorization with context to keep your corporate assets secure. Policies are created and tied to users and groups putting additional parameters or conditions at the time of resource authentication. Limiting user or group to a controlled device or not, device type, location by IP, and client type create additional security controls to prevent compromise.


  • Create specific conditions for a group when accessing a resource or application.

  • Combining MDM and Conditional access provides additional levels of compliance like OS patching, EDR updates, hardware conditions, and access based on overall device state and user risk.

  • Correlate context-aware inputs to user authentication. Granting or excluding access to a resource can be as general as whitelisting access only from a trusted location to a series of qualifications around the user and device profile.


Discover the impact we’ve had on our clients’ success.

At Embraer, we say that it's about the journey... and the journey is bringing value to the customers through excellence. I found Global Edge Technology Services when I was searching for a company to do a readiness assessment for our data centers in South Florida. We were looking for a partner that was agile and had the maturity that we needed to help us deliver on these projects."

Jack Benabib

IT Infrastructure & Operations Manager

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